((((((((To Ian and family))))))))
That is fantastic news. Keep up the good work and we'll keep prayin and sending our Tuesday vibes. We'll concentrate extra hard on the swellings for you.
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has cancer.it is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
((((((((To Ian and family))))))))
That is fantastic news. Keep up the good work and we'll keep prayin and sending our Tuesday vibes. We'll concentrate extra hard on the swellings for you.
chanced upon this website a few days ago, and perhaps spent most of my waking hours (since then) reading, and certainly identifying with, quite a lot of it.
i have also learned a few things i was unaware of - i know this is ''old hat'' to all of you, but i wasn't aware of the un ngo thing.. i was saddened reading many posts - mostly trying to get human compassion (from elders who hold the trump cards - dealt by....?).
i read with interest josephus's post no.313, and goldminer's 1st posting - both drawing attention to how lives have been wasted due to false prohesy - and i thought (after reading how the society is claiming compensation for surviving - or dead!
Welcome to the board "The Edge" glad you found us. Not a bad post at all for a VIRGIN. Hang around I think you'll like it here.
Wouldn't that be something if all the disgruntled "ex-employees" got together and could sue for back wages, overtime and benefits. Hiding behind a non-profit religion, shame on them. Maybe I could get workmans comp for that time I got bite by the dog. It would be great if some legal eagle could find some loop hole to go after them with. False advertisement? Selling a defective product? They are passing it off as something it is not.
don't trust them!!!!!
was coming home to indiana from ohio early this morning on the toll road and a deer landed right in front of me...no time to break or swerve and a fraction of a second and amazing leaping skills saved his/her life and maybe mine!!!
i couldn't help thinking about the fact that i'm not a speeder (hell, i even make complete stops at signs...james dean, i'm not!
My car got wrecked once because of a deer. Easter Sunday 1999. The deer survived and ran off into the woods. It isn't any fun thats for sure, causes lots of damage.
Glad you missed it Mac. About the Sensors.........I think you have to be going fast enough for wind to blow thru them, for them to work.
Been there, aka Speed Racer.
mum took this picture in the summer (she loves to photograph flowers, mushrooms and insects) and this one really shocked us - look at the head of the moth!
to us it looks like a little human head!
very strange.
Could it be??? Satanus as a wee lad.
well yesterday i saw the surgeon, with regards to my left hip and because it is so advanced with osteoarthritis and is crumbling the doctor says my surgical date is march the 3rd.
he said also he may have a cancellation for feburary and i may be able to have that day.
of march.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!! They sure do like to drag out the worry tho don't they?
My Granny had a total hip replacement when she moved back to Canada, she was 80 something. She did very well and had NO blood, being JW & all. Everything went fine and she enjoyed being pain free................so she could get a few more years in selling magazines.
i remember the jws used to criticize the "eat, drink, and be merry" philosophy "for tomorrow we might die" and i used to think that it was a good thing that i was doing something worthwhile with my life instead of being distracted with the material things, or fleshly things of the world.
that the philosophy was so fatalistic, that tomorrow we might all be dead and anyone believing in the "eat, drink, and be merry" philosophy were all so hedonistic.
today, i hear that and have different feelings towards the saying and philosophy.
Illegal Imigrant...........I have a JW Aunt that likes the wine a whooooooooooooooooooole lot. I use her as my example of what not to be. I guess she should quit preachin the bible & start readin it. Huh?
Stupid = Heartless ??????
Please step away from the soap box.
looking at the smurf thread i was wondering, in my congregation in the 80's there were also storys of demonic cabbage patch dolls attacking jw kids.
i wasn't allowed to have one because they might be demonized.
was it just my cong.
I was out by then but are you sure they didn't just tell you that because they cost about $50+ back then and they didn't want to get beat up trying to get you one?
i would call myself a simonite after the founder.
no one here need to be called apostates.
"Simon Says"
we seem to be having on run on new members,,,,,,,yippie .
welcome to all you newbies glad you decided to join us.
kls, (aka Welcome Wagon Lady)
Thanks for making this thread. I too have noticed all the new ones lately and wanted to Welcome them. Some just slip in under the radar and don't get Greeted properly.
So I'd like to say:
Hi! all you newbies. Welcome.
Any lurkers out there, now's the time to step on in the doors open.
confused, worried, angry, hurt and lots more - 45 years a witness and now disassociated last 3 weeks, family friends now shun me, very much alone, i need advice please please please, where do i go from here, anyone help please.
Betrayed, Welcome to the board and thanks for filling us in on your story. You may find this place addicting.
I'm sorry they treated you that way. Please hang around here and heal a little before you go anywhere. The answers will start to come to you and you will find many here that know your pain. One of the first steps to healing is finding out you are not alone in your journey. It is kind of a halfway house. A place to test your wings abit when going out into the real world. A good place to come running back to if it gets overwhelming. There are so many kind and caring people here. There are a few stinkers too but thats life.